DİHA - Dicle News Agency


14:45 18/5/2015
Mahabad to remember Ferinaz every Thursday
The people of Mahabad have announced that they will organize weekly visits to the grave of Ferinaz Xosrawanî.
14:01 18/5/2015
Courts torment child sexual abuse victims with long trial!
As Diyarbakır teacher D.T. continues working at the same school where he sexually attacked at least five girls two years ago, the girls have been re-traumatized by a court that continually forces them to repeat testimony about their abuse.
15:32 17/5/2015
Women in Mersin rally for Ferinaz
Hundreds of women marched in Mersin province for Ferinaz Xosrawanî, who died in Mahabad nearly two weeks ago.
11:03 17/5/2015
Women march at borderline for Xosrawanî
Kurdish women protested at the border between Iran and Turkey in an action condemning the Iranian regime's role in the death of Ferinaz Xosrawanî, who died nearly two weeks ago in the Kurdish city of Mahabad, Iran.
08:19 17/5/2015
Training in gender in Çınar villages
With recent months seeing a rise in women's "suicides" under suspicious circumstances in rural areas of Northern Kurdistan, the women's center in an area stricken by these deaths has launched a training in gender.
11:01 15/5/2015
Women take streets for Ferinaz
The Congress of Free Women (KJA) organized simultaneous marches and protests for young Kurdish woman Ferinaz Xosrawanî yesterday in the cities of Diyarbakır, Adana and Van in Turkey.
12:04 14/5/2015
Students enhancing resistance against harassment
After woman students launched a spontaneous night march on May 12th against a harassment incident at the Dicle University campus in Diyarbakır, Turkey, women students are speaking out to say that they have been harassed repeatedly on campus before the eyes of police.
09:59 14/5/2015
Marches for Ferinaz Xosrawanî
Women in Northern and Western Kurdistan held marches condemning the Iranian regime for the death of young Kurdish woman Ferinaz in the city of Mahabad, Iran.
11:30 13/5/2015
'Ferinaz has laid bare indifference of masculine violence'
Since the death of Ferinaz Xosrawanî, 26, in her attempt to escape a rape attempt by Iranian state security forces (Itlaat), Kurdish women across the world have stood up against the regime's rape policies and are calling for support.
10:03 13/5/2015
Gay couple files a criminal complaint against İHA for targeting them
Turkey’s first gay couple made a wedding ceremony Ekin Keser and Emrullah Tüzün will file a criminal complaint against İHA for targeting them and Boston Gay Men’s Chorus and making news with their images, Bianet reported
10:07 12/5/2015
Men massacre 20 women in April
A compilation made by bianet revealed that male perpetrators left 20 women dead; 8 women were found unexpectedly dead. Perpetrators of two dead women have not been found, Bianet reported.
10:05 12/5/2015
Women rally for Ferinaz's freedom scream
Women in five provinces in Northern Kurdistan took to the squares yesterday for Ferinaz Xosrawanî, the woman who sparked a popular uprising in Mahabad when she lost her life trying to escape a rape attempt.
09:04 12/5/2015
Students of Dicle University rise against against harassment
After two women students were harassed at Diyarbakır's Dicle University last night, hundreds of women students gathered to march throughout the night, in spite of police repression.
14:27 11/5/2015
Women in Moscow and Marseille march for Ferinaz
The Kurdish institutions in Moscow held a press conference in support of the democratic protests of the people of Mahabad and demanded an investigation of those responsible for the death of Ferizan Xosrawanî, the young woman who threw herself from the 4th floor of a hotel she was working in to avoid being raped.
10:24 11/5/2015
Report: 96% of women in Siirt suffered violence
In Turkey's city of Siirt, 96% of women have experienced physical violence, according to a new report by the Siirt Municipality Women's Council.
10:23 11/5/2015
They celebrate Mother's Day at Kobanê border
Peace Mothers Assemblies of Northern Kurdistan headed to the Kobanê border yesterday morning to protest the ongoing war and celebrating Mother's Day.
15:22 09/5/2015
Buldan: Peace will be knitted with pioneering power of women
Women academics, politicians and activists are discuss how to push for women's roles in the peace process in Istanbul today.
15:11 09/5/2015
Bağrıyanık: Women will show building of peace to all Middle East
Women academics, politicians and activists gathered for a workshop to discuss how to push for women's roles in the peace process in Istanbul today.
11:12 09/5/2015
Women: Objection of Ferinaz was to protect her honour
- Since the death of Ferinaz Xosrawanî, 26, in her attempt to escape a rape attempt by Iranianian intelligence agents, Kurdish women across the world have stood up against the state's rape policies, calling for support.
23:03 08/5/2015
Thousands march for Ferinaz Xosrawanî
A solidarity march was held in eastern province of Hakkari for Kurdish young woman Xosrawanî.