AKP responsible for death of laborers

ANKARA (DİHA) - The Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) held AKP responsible for the today's death of 13 laborers in Manisa and said that employers impose slavery conditions in order to increase their profits.
HDP Central Executive Committee released a written statement on today's murder in Manisa where 15 laborers, 13 of whom were women, died and 2 others got injured. HDP stated that brutal and dangerous work conditions cause laborers to die in high numbers.
'Slavery conditions are ignored to increase employers' profits'
HDP offered condolences to the laborers who lost their lives as they were about to collect vine leaves for a daily payment of 40-50 TL. HDP held employers that impose dangerous working conditions, sleepless truck drivers, and government officials who failed to widen the existing roads as the people responsible for the massacre.
HDP reminded that 18 agriculture workers had died in Isparta last year and warned that the massacre in Manisa would not be the last work-related tragedy. HDP stated that according to the information released by Occupational Health and Safety Council (İSİG), 646 workers died during the first five months of 2015 due to employers’ greed for profit.
'Mnistries fail to fulfill their duties'
HDP stated that the murders in Manisa were not simply a traffic accident and were caused by employers’ failure to take necessary security measures. HDP criticized the Ministry of Agriculture for not fighting against work-related deaths and occupational hazards.
'AKP government is the main perpetrator'
At the end of its statement, HDP held the AKP governments as the main perpetrator of the deaths and recalled AKP officials’ description of work-related murders as ‘the characteristic of labor.’