DİHA - Dicle News Agency


Marble export booms in Diyarbakir

11 June
13:54 2006


DİYARBAKIR (DİHA) - Marble export figures in Diyarbakir, one of main exporter of marble across world, have seen important increase in last 3 years. While 80 percent of marble processed in marble factories sold in world markets, 1 thousand 850 persons are being employed in the sector having important share in employment.

The sector which went through stagnation during conflict period of 1990s has entered into rising trend after 1999, and made great breakthrough in 2005. Marble business having gained big share in world market on its own without state aid has an important position decorating many place of world. Marble export and production reported great progress each year in 2003, 2004, and 2005, according to data provided by Eastern Marble Cutters Association.

Trend of increase in last 3 years

Production beginning from zero by 1996 had reached to tipping point in 2005, according to data of Eastern Marble Cutter Association. In the forges with 19 producing crude, and 18 with block production, crude production reached to 16 percent of Turkey's Production and foreign exchange input reached to 100 million dollar. Number of marble forges, zero in 1996, 18 in 2003, 22 in 2004 had reached to peak point in 2005 with 39 forges. Amount of crude production have seen increase in last 3 years in these forges, and while it had 10 percent share in 2003, 12 percent in 2004, its share in Turkey's production reached to 16 percent in 2005 after number of factories increased to 18.

1 thousand 850 persons being employed

Marble sector has an important share of employment in Diyarbakir; while number of employed in marble forges was 320 in 2003, this figure rose to 540 in 2004 and 950 in 2005. Total 1 thousand 850 persons have been employed in consideration of end of 2005 in natural stone sector. This increase in employment reflected in factories producing tablet, and it got 8.2 percent share of Turkey's production after 1 million 70 thousand square meters tablets were produced.

Export for world markets

Marble having symbol of quality in Diyarbakir has a great position in world market, it has a market share in a big fan like China, USA, Israel, Italy, France, Middle East and Europe. While 40 percent factories' production in 2003 reached to these markets, this rate rose to 60 percent in 2004 and 80 percent in 2005.

Reserve is 9 million cubic meters

Chalk reserves in Diyarbakir estimated to be 9 million cubic meters correspond to 33 percent of chalk reserves in Turkey. While experts indicate this figure will increase after detailed studies, marble forges centered around districts like Hani, Kulp, Lice, Hazro, Cermik and Cungus run with 80-90 percent capacity.

