TUSIAD have concerns about economic fluctuation and political instability
İSTANBUL (DİHA) - President of Administrative Board of Association of Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen (TUSİAD) Omer Sabanci said that ''To have an election shock before the effects are totally digested will obscure the targets more and pose great danger of retreat in economy'', pointing out that it could not be predicted when fluctuations in economy will stop.
2006 TUSİAD Consulting Councill Meeting was realised in Sabanci Center Confrence Hall. Beginning speech of the meeting was made by President High Consulting Councill of TUSIAD Mustafa V. Koc and President of Administrative Board of TUSIAD Omer Sabanci. Stating that during the past 5 months important developments which should be deliberated carefully have took place in Turkey, Mustafa V. Koc, said that political and economic developments which occured in one and half month have got ahead of others. Expressing it is the first time for a long time that they come together in an area which see sharp markets fluctuations, Koc, said that the slowing down in the reform process which we observed at the beginning of this year and especially the picture that agendas relating to EU began to get out of agenda of government and weakening in ideal of full membership at the social level were first signs for us. And these were coupled with diverse religious dominated discussion subjects which can be related to secularism, and we have been always afraid most.''
It is Turkey which affected most by fluctuations
Stating that fluctuations which began in May in world markets caused to fund outflow from countries described as 'rising markets', Koc, said it is Turkey which affected most by this. Koc connected this different level of effect to increase of perceived risk and serious erosion of trust on stability. Describing the assault to State Councill as traitorous and awful, Koc, made these recommendations about things which must be done: '' continuation of structural conversion of economy without discontinuties and the contrary perception which begin formed in the world markets should be changed with convincing words and actions. To avoid any agenda which would give impression of clash in the peak of politics, it should be demonstrated that no concessions will be given from democratic secular line for could Turkey remain as a model in the region. And more determination should be shown in implementation of democatic reforms. It should be put forward that Turkey will advance with decisiveness in the line of full participation to EU, and effective communication should be carried out at home and abroad about this issue.''
Sabanci: All accounts should be remade
Stating that the analysts had marked that the balance will be set up at a different level after fluctuations in world markets
settle, Sabanci, said that if this prediction come true, Turkish economy will have to pull the expectations of inflation up and expectation of growth down. Sabanci made these evaluations on fluctuations in economy: '' many areas ranging from import to investment, from employment to regional development, and from external debt to clear positions will be influenced from this change which is not possible to be limited to growth, inflation and interest rate and figures about these will change. In short; all accounts should be remade.''
'' Criticisim to government seen as a plot''
Emphasizing that Turkey was affected this much negatively from fluctuations in the markets because it had shaken the trust of markets on the subject that Turkey could maintain its political stability in the short term and could carry on reforms, Sabanci, also criticised AK Party government. Stating that they had criticised previously the inertia and picture of reluctance of government in relations with EU, Sabanci, said that '' we drew attention that goverment remained slow both in completing and application of reforms. In every occasion we said that lets avoid discussions which will give damage to political stability, lets not let subjects which are not related to development of country occupy the agenda of country. All of you know reactions directed against criticisims. Every criticisim was seen as a plot against government.''
''Policies of stability must be carried on with decisiveness''
Stating that they are worrying for a period about sensitive issues of politics to influence the course of economy negatively, Sabanci, told that '' We don't yet know what kind of footprint this shock wave leave on economy. In order to say this with certainity we should be certain that markets settled. But these can be certainly said: Macro economic balances will change. Because of this, policies of stability should be carried on with more decisiveness than before. Explaining to the public at home and world that we will advance with determination in the road of EU and to have negotiation process capitalized on by society stand ahead of us as an important necessity.''
'' We should not be a country which resorts to election when caught in trouble'
Stating that it is not certainly predicted when fluctuations in economy will settle, Sabanci, said that '' To have an election shock before the effects are totally digested will obscure the targets more and pose great danger of retreat in economy''.
Sabanci made this evaluation on early election: '' Turkey should go out of country which resorts to election each time she get caught in trouble, instead of this she should develop culture of social compromise and should find solution to its problems in that way. Every step made in the direction of social compromise will increase plausibility of government and enhance esteem of Turkey.
(Fotoğraf: İbrahim ASLAN)