MMO: The Government Leaves the Energy Sector under the Mercy of the Open Market

İSTANBUL (DİHA) - The head of the Istanbul branch of The Mechanical Engineers Chamber (MMO), stressing that Turkey is not using the energy sector efficiently, said that the energy sector is under the mercy of the open market.
The 27’Th general meeting started in Istanbul Technical University's Auditorium. The president of the Istanbul Doctors Chamber (ITO), Prof. Gençay Gürsoy, the chairman of the Turkish Civil Engineers Unity (TMMOB), Mr. Hüseyin Yeşil and on behalf of the president of the Global Equity and Peace Coalition, Mr. Yıldız Önen also attended the meeting.
'Only some of the investment's profits are gained'
In Turkey, Mr. Peker says, the energy investments are at the expense of environment and public. As time elapses, the situation has reached a dangerous levels; the government, by inspecting its policies concerning this issue, should use the resources more efficiently, and make the right investments.
‘We are going to be faced with serious problems'
As for Prof. Dr. Gençay Gürsoy, by giving a speech, he said that the occupational chambers are trying to protect the remains of the social state. By not being under the mercy of the political parties, they should nurture socialization.
“In the coming days we are going to be faced with serious problems in the health sector. All the occupational chambers should put up a struggle.” Added Mr. Gürsoy.