Call to Attend the Trial of KamuranYüksek

DİYARBAKIR (DİHA) - Democratic Regions Party (DBP) co-vice chair SeydiFırat invited the people of Amed and NGO’s to attendthe first hearing of DBP co-chair KamuranYüksek trial on October 7.DBP co-chair KamuranYüksekwas arrested due to his political actions on May 13 in Amed but soon he was exiled to Adana Kürkçüler F-type Closed Prison without any stated reason.The first hearing will be heldon October 7 by Diyarbakır 5th High Criminal Court. DBP co-chairs, DTK (Democratic Society Congress) co-chairs, and the HDK (Peoples’ Democratic Congress) co-speakers will also participate in the hearing upon the call by DBP co-vice chair SeydiFırat, 2 days prior to the hearing.
“He is unlawfully kept in prisonsince 145 days”
Co-vice chair SeydiFıratemphasized that KamuranYüksek has beenunlawfully keptin prison since 145 days and this is unacceptable. Hedenounced the intensive wave of attack against their party DBP, and underlined that they shall withstand against those attacks.
Fırat called the people of Amed and NGO’s for solidarity withYüksek in his trial, and stated that he believes Yüksek may regain his freedom if this unlawful arrest sparks backlash.
Fırat said thata massive attitude would be decisive in the course of the case, and DBP members shall stand beside their co-chair to withstand against attacks and repression on October 7.
Fıratreferred to the significance of the attendance by DBP, HDK, and DTK representatives, noting that the attacks and repression will be shattered by standing together.