Bakırköy decision for İstanbul May Day

İSTANBUL (DİHA) - Labour organizations, political parties and mass organizations representatives have decided to make an application to celebrate May Day on Bakırköy Public Bazaar.
Trade unions and professional associations committee including Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK) chairman Kani Beko, Turkish Union of Engineers and Architects Chambers (TMMOB) chairman Mehmet Soğancı, Turkey's Public Workers Confederation (KESK) chairman Lami Özgen and Turkish Physicians' Association (TTB) vice president Raşit Tikel has made a second meeting with İstanbul Governor Vasip Şahin. After the meeting with the governor, representatives have conducted a meeting at the evening hours.
At the meeting, decision of making application to celebrate May Day on Bakırköy Public Bazaar has been taken. It is expected that DİSK, KESK, TMMOB and TTB will make a joint declaration tomorrow.