“What happens today in Kurdistan will be spoken like Armenian Genocide tomorrow”
İSTANBUL (DİHA) - Associate Professor Bülent Bilmez (Bilgi University, History)who has spoken in a panel organized thereby the anniversary of Armenian Genocide, said that just like it is spoken today about the genocide of 1915, after years, some historians will speak about what happens today in Kurdistan. He stated that in Turkey it is skipped from a period of saying “never again” to a period of “again and again”.
On the 101st anniversary of Armenian Genocide which occured on April 24, 1915, a panel was organized by DurDe Platform and Anticapitalists Platform in İstanbul. Based on the title “Genocide must be recognized and must be apologised” in Cezayir Meeting Hall, several intellectuals, academics, students and authors have attended the panel.