Police search in DBP Diyarbakır Provincial Directorate lasted 11 hours
DİYARBAKIR (DİHA) - During the raid made by the police lasted 11 hours against DBP Diyarbakır Provincial Directorate, publications and several belongings were confiscated.
Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Diyarbakır Provincial Directorate and Kayapınar headquarter were raided as well as houses of the party directors including DBP Diyarbakır co-chair Ali Şimşek in the morning hours. DBP Kayapınar co-chairs Mustafa Uyguner and Sevim Adsoy, DBP Diyarbakır co-chair Ali Şimşek have been taken into custody and brought to the police office. Police search in DBP Diyarbakır Provincial Directorate which lasted 11 hours continued until 17:00.
While surrounding of the building was blockaded, whole belongings in the building were scattered. The publications were confiscated and also it is seen that police made search by breaking the ceilings of the bathrooms and the wall clocks. Belongings confiscated in the building were put in a van and taken away.