Our reporter, İmran Feyyaz, was arrested in Antalya.

ANTALYA (DİHA) - On February 11th, our reporter, İmran Feyyaz, was detained and sent to court in an operation carried out by the police in the city of Antalya.
On the same day (February 11th) in simultaneous operations held in Antalya, together with our reporter, 28 people were detained, 11 of which were children. After being questioned at the police station, yesterday they were taken to the prosecutor, where they testified until late night hours. Finally, 11 detainees were released and 17 of them, including 8 children and our journalist İmran, were accused of "being members of criminal/terrorist organization". İmran and the others, who were sent to court, they will be kept in prison.
Lately, state's vigilance on DİHA, has resulted in imprisonment of 4 of our journalists: Feyyaz İmran, Nedim Oruç, Nuri Akman and Nazım Daştan.