KCK calls for 'allout struggle against the state's displacement policy'

NEWS CENTER (DİHA) - Kurdistan Communities' Union (KCK) Executive Council Co-presidency has released a statement drawing attention to the displacement policy put into effect by the Turkish state across North Kurdistan region, and calling on the people of Kurdistan to remain in their neighborhoods, towns and cities and resist for a free and democratic living.
The statement underlined that the Kurdish people have announced self-rule in response to the AKP government that denies the presence of a Kurdish question and attacks their struggle for freedom, noting that the resolution of democratic autonomy is the answer of Kurdish people against the Turkish state's lack of solution.
KCK pointed out that the resisting Kurdish people have developed their own resolution and democratization against the state's repression, lack of resolution to the Kurdish question and aggravated isolation imposed on Öcalan.
The statement remarked that Turkish state which lacks a democratic mindset and a resolution for the Kurdish question is once again conducting attacks to make the people surrender as it has done for dozens of years. "The executions of the Turkish state over the past several months have clearly demonstrated its approach towards the Kurdish people, which is based on cultural genocide and exploitation. This is the very reality of the Kurds against the Turkish state; either to bow to its Kurdish policy or to face attacks."
'State resorts to a displacement policy'
KCK emphasised that the Kurdish people are not like they were 40 years ago, during which they have manifested strong commitment to a free and democratic living, and after which they cannot be intimidated and suppressed by death and atrocity anymore. "Victory after resistance under heavy circumstances has become a manner of the Kurdistan revolution. No matter what the circumstances are, the Kurdish people will resist and attain a free and democratic living. The spirit of 14 July is embodied by the people of Kurdistan today."
The Executive Council Co-presidency of KCK stated that in the face of this reality, the Turkish state now resorts to a displacement policy which forms the basis of attacks in Sur and other Kurdish areas. “The policy of evacuation of villages during the 90's is now being put into practice in cities. This is an emigration assault aiming a cultural genocide, a method executed by perpetrators of massacres throughout history. The Turkish state is conducting an onslaught against the existence of the Kurdish people by forcing them to emigration.”
'Displacement policy should be resisted'
KCK called on the people of North Kurdistan to reclaim their houses, streets, neighborhoods, towns and lands in response to this displacement policy of the Turkish state, stressing that resistance is the only way in order for the triumph of free and democratic life over displacement and evacuation. "We are familiar with this dirty war from the policies of the 20th century, from the practices of 12 September and from executions of the 90's", it said.
'People should not leave their houses and lands'
Stressing that the only response to these policies should be insistence on resisting in houses, streets villages, neighborhoods and lands, KCK added; "Leaving our houses means accepting death in the first place. 'Loving the life as much as to die for it' has been the main principle of the Kurdish people and Leader Apo. It is not possible to create a free and democratic living in Kurdistan by acting and feeling otherwise. Let's not leave these lands for which thousands of martyrs have sacrificed their lives. Sur is the spirit of Amed and Kurdistan. Let's not hand over this spirit to the perpetrators of cultural genocide. Let's liberate this spirit of Amed and Kurdistan that has been created by our history and 40 years of great struggle. Let's not abandon Cizre, Nusaybin, Silopi, Gever, Farqin and other cities as a loyalty to the martyrs of resurrection revolution. Let's make each one of these areas a castle of attaining a free and democratic life."
KCK underlined that the Kurdish people will win as long as they remain in their living areas in response to the attacks, adding that protection of their lands means protection of their existence.