KCK: Massacre is a conspiracy conducted by AKP to remain in power

NEWS CENTER (DİHA) - KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Co-Presidency has released a statement about today's twin blasts that left at least 120 people dead and over a hundred wounded, as much as has been confirmed so far.
KCK underlined that enhancing the democratic struggle was the only way to eliminate the mindset and policies that have caused this massacre and conflict in the country, and called upon all the democracy forces, peoples of Turkey and the Kurdish people to protest the Ankara massacre and its perpetrators.
Recalling that the Ankara massacre has been the third mass murder since the beginning of the election process, after those in Amed and Suruç, KCK said the massacre in Ankara has been the biggest one perpetrated so far in the wake of the recent ones in Cizre, Farqin, Nusaybin, Şırnak and other Kurdish settlements during the recent months.
Offering condolences to the families of the martyrs, democracy forces and the peoples, and wishing a speedy recovery to all the wounded, KCK said the AKP government was responsible for this massacre as the AKP's mindset and policies inside and outside the country have brought Turkey up to this point.
Stressing that the AKP cannot clear itself of this massacre by putting the blame on other organizations, KCK said AKP has been engaged in partnership with ISIS and similar others in the mindset and policies it has pursued so far.
"Claims that these massacres have been perpetrated by ISIS or some other organizations would mean ignoring the AKP's mindset, policies and practices, and distorting the truths. The fact that these massacres target the societal circles which the AKP point as a target, also reveal who actually are behind them. By using the names of some organizations as a mask, the AKP government wants to eliminate all the opposition circles one by one."
Pointing to the undemocratic character of the AKP and its lack of a sense to respect and accept the results of elections, KCK emphasized that the AKP regards any method or practice as allowable in order not to leave the power. "This massacre must be seen as a conspiracy conducted by the AKP government to remain in power, and a kind similar to the massacre it perpetrated before the June 7 election after seeing that it was going to lose the election", KCK said.
KCK said it was also meaningful that this massacre took place on the very same day when the Kurdish movement declared inaction to ensure the security of elections and disallow AKP to turn the election process to its own favour through repression.
According to KCK, this massacre has also revealed that the AKP government wants to hold the elections in a conflict environment and continue its ruling on this basis. The statement said; "AKP has resorted to such a massacre after foreseeing that it will lose this election as well in the event of holding it under normal circumstances. In consideration of the link between these massacres and the elections, it also exposes itself who the perpetrator is, which is undoubtedly nobody else other than Erdoğan and his counter-guerrilla team, it is the Gladio of the Palace."
KCK said it has been primarily the AKP government and the Gladio of the Palace to become restive after the most recent debates hinting that the Kurdish movement would declare an inactive position. According to KCK, Yalçın Akdoğan, a part of the Palace's Gladio, revealed their mindset and intention by saying that 'this cannot fool us'. KCK underlined that objection to the ending of the conflict for the security of the elections laid the true face of the AKP government bare.
The statement pointed out that the now-illegitimate AKP government has started a war and now wanted it to continue in order to maintain its ruling over the country.
KCK further underlined that enhancing the democratic struggle was the only way to eliminate the mindset and policies that have caused this massacre and conflict in the country.
KCK called upon all the democracy forces, peoples of Turkey and the Kurdish people to protest the Ankara massacre and its perpetrators, saying; “Turkey can solve none of the problems in the country and achieve peace neither inside nor outside by having the AKP in power. The country can avert such massacres and conflicts, and ensure a lasting peace and stability only by getting rid of the AKP government and establishing a democratic government. In this regard, all democracy forces must unite and act together in order to enhance the struggle for democracy. It is time to bring the perpetrators of massacres to account, to get rid of the AKP government and to create a democratic Turkey.”