DİHA - Dicle News Agency


Majority of victims of Charleston church shooting women

20 June
10:41 2015

NEWS CENTER (DİHA) - It has emerged that of the nine people slain in a racist attack on a church in the U.S. city of Charleston, South Carolina, five were women.

On Wednesday, 21-year-old Dylann Storm Roof entered the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church and sat down in an evening Bible study class. After sitting quietly for an hour, Dylann stood up and addressed the worshipers, saying, "You rape our women and you're taking over our country," and opened fire.

Senator Clementa Pinckney was among the nine victims of the attack. Five of the victims, including the church's Reverend Depayne Middleton-Doctor, 49, were women. One five-year-old girl survived by playing dead; she is currently resting in a hospital. The only other survivor, a woman, was left alive by the racist killer with the instruction to "tell the world" about what he had done.

With the killer at large throughout Wednesday night, Black residents of Charleston feared a second attack for hours. Dylann's Facebook photo shows him wearing a jacket with the flags of the apartheid states of South Africa and Rhodesia.

