Probe into Paris Massacre finally complete

NEWS DESK (DİHA) - French police's investigation into the 2013 murder of three Kurdish women politicians in Paris' Kurdish institute is complete. If there is no objection from the parties involved within one month, a trial will begin in the case.
An attacker entered the Kurdistan Information Center in Paris on January 9th, 2013 and killed Sakine Cansız (among the founders of the PKK - Kurdistan Workers' Party), Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez.
According to L'Express magazine, the judge in the case has announced that "there is nothing left to investigate." If there are no objections from the victim's family or from the suspected killer Ömer Güney within one month, charges will be filed in the case and a trial will begin.
Although the Turkish intelligence service MİT is strongly suspected of organizing the killing, there is so far no plan to charge the forces who organized the attack. Ömer Güney will be the only suspect on trial. Xavier Nogueras, lawyer for Ömer Güney, said to AFP that if no evidence emerges for MİT's responsibility, the suspected killer will have been "put in front of judges as a figure."
There is strong evidence for MİT's planning of the killing. Ömer Güney repeatedly visited Turkey in 2012, and in January 2014 a tape leaked onto the Internetin which the suspect discusses and plans the killing with two MİT agents. Shortly thereafter, a MİT document leaked: an order to kill Sakine Cansız and an order to issue Ömer Güney 6,000 Euros for "possible expenses."
The AKP and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, for their part, have taken to blaming the Gülen Society and the "parallel structure" for the killing. French and Turkish intelligence services have refused to share information related to the killing and the investigation has been denied permission to include MİT.