Yüksekdağ: AKP aims for enmity between peoples with military operations

VAN (DİHA) - HDP General Co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ came together with thousands of people at her party's election rally, saying the AKP government aims for enmity between peoples with military operations.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) General Co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ joined her party's election rally and addressed to thousands of people in eastern province of Van's Gürpınar district. Yüksekdağ, was met by a crowd of people consisting of HDP, DBP (Democratic Regions Party) officials, Gürpınar co-mayors Yıldız Çetin and Zeki Yıldız and representatives of non-governmental organizations. Inspite of rainy weather, tens of thousands of people flowed to the square and filled in the square.
Yüksekdağ firstly paid a visit to the family of 2-year-old Muharrem Taş who lost his life in a village of the district on 2 February 2014. Taş was got sick and taken to hospital on his father's back inside a bag, and his dead body was taken back to village again inside the bag. That incident caused anger against the state officials for not sending any ambulances.
In the wake of visitation, Yüksekdağ and her entourage participated into the rally. The crowd met the HDP delegation with KCK, PKK, HDP flags and slogans in support of the party.
'Bombs are against peace to be built by peoples'
She drew attention on the bomb attacks targetting her party's headquarters in Mersin and Adana. "The dark and dirty power began to reveal out again. They targeted at the buildings of HDP with bombs. These bombs are against peace to be built by the peoples of the country," underlined Yüksekdağ.
'They envisaged to squander peace process for their ruling'
AKP has always exploited the peoples of the country along its 13-year ruling, remarked Yüksekdağ adding, AKP is trying to survive with the language of war, not of peace. Yüksekdağ continued: "They envisaged to squander and spoil this current peace process for their ruling. But, inspite of all the provocations and attacks by the goverment, we will continue to defend peace."
Yüksekdağ said all the foundations of state got mobilized for the AKP government. The AKP government aims for enmity between peoples with military operations, ended her speech.