HDP gives hope to Melekan, site of first riot

BİNGÖL (DİHA) - The Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) gives hope to the villagers of Melekan, site of first Kurdish riot.
The original Kurdish name of the village, Melekan, was changed by Turkish state into Mutluca. The village in Solhan district of eastern province of Bingöl is the site of verdict of first Kurdish riot at history of the republic. Seikh Said and his friends took the decision of riot in this village and initiated it.
Traces of raid in Melekan
After the end of Seikh Said riot, the pressure has increased in the village day after day. There had been 400 houses in the villages, but this number went down to 12-13 houses in 90s. The village was burnt by the state three times till now.
Inspite of all these pressure, the villagers are determined not to abandon their village. The houses in the village are still carrying the traces of state pressure and raids.
Sole remedy is HDP
The elders of village said the only way and remedy to end state pressures was to support the HDP in order the pave the way for it to exceed 10 percent election threshold. Halim Bedir, one of the elders, told DİHA, "The injustice and oppressions suffered in Kurdistan geography have not been carried out anywhere in the world. We are standing and resisting against injustice. They burnt this village three times."
'People Bingöl should embrace HDP'
Bedir called on the people in Bingöl to get mobilized for the election campaign and works of the HDP. "Let you vote for yourselves. Let you go to polls in accordance with your honour. Do you see anything else apart from military posts, dams and checkpoints here? Do you see anything else excluding jails here?" asked Bedir, adding people of Bingöl should embrace for the HDP.