KJA: Iran attacks with fear of a woman-centred life

DİYARBAKIR (DİHA) - The Free Women’s Congress (Kongreya Jinen Azad, KJA) has issued a statement calling on all women to protest the Iranian regime after the suicide of Ferinaz Xosrawani.
The statement drew attention to the increase in the Middle East of violence against women, which has reached the level of femicide, saying that the male dominant system is pursuing more savage attacks on women by maintaining its control over women’s bodies.
Pointing out that the Iranian regime specifically carries out policies against women through sexual assault, harassment and rape, KJA said the Iranian regime imposes further pressure on women as it gets more and more afraid of a life created by women.
KJA drew attention to the systematic violence carried out against women in the Middle East and stressed that the attack on Ferinaz Xosrawanî is by no means an isolated incident but part of the systematic violence against women perpetrated by the Iranian regime. KJA said the state has a male mentality, because of which no incident of harassment, sexual assault or rape against women can be isolated from it. It added that the Mahabad incident is part of the extermination policies of the Iranian regime.
The statement stressed that the Iranian regime deprived women of the right to the self-defence, recalling the execution of Reyhane Cebari as an intimidation against the women defending themselves in the face of attacks by men.
KJA called on Kurdish women and the feminist movement to take ownership of Ferinaz Xosrawanî and to step up the struggle for women’s liberation against the male state mentality and the whole male dominant system which sustains itself through the control and exploitation of women’s bodies.