Syriza: We support HDP in Turkey elections

NEWS DESK (DİHA) - In an interview given to Gülsah Keles of Armenian daily newspaper Agos, Syriza foreign affairs executive Panos Trigazis said that they were in support of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) in the upcoming elections in Turkey.
Speaking during the 2nd Mediterranean Conference in Istanbul, Trigazis said that Syriza was a coalition party formed of social democrats, socialists, feminists and ecologists as well as other ideological groups and that it was a synthesis of all these.
'Crisis belongs to Europe not just to Greece'
Trigazis emphasised in the interview that the crisis in Greece was not just the problem of the people of Greece but all of Europe and that a solution was only possible with a joint struggle. Trigazis said: "Our meetings with the EU in recent days are about trying to eliminate the damage done and reach agreements favouring all parties." The foreign affairs executive also added that liberal parties and governments in Europe who supported austerity measures feared the rise of the anti-capitalist movement in Greece because it would be an example for all the nations of Europe.
'Priority is reconstruction of Kobanê'
Trigazis also said that they were following events in Kobanê closely and had been the first party to a send a solidarity delegation to the beleaguered city. He also underlined that their priority now was the reconstruction of Kobanê.
'Rojava a gain for whole world'
Regarding the Rojava revolution Trigazis stated that the direct democracy model and women's struggle was a gain for the whole world and not just the region.
'We support HDP in elections'
Trigazis also declared Syriza's support for the HDP and said that they wanted the victory of all left parties that had women's rights, ecological struggle, development and peace as their priorities.