Village square turns into theatre scene

BATMAN (DİHA) - The Fifth Batman Theatre Days Festival organised by the Batman Municipality is continuing. Thanks to this year's festival, organised under the slogan 'Theatre is Life, Let us liberate life', theatre is being taken to the villages for the first time. The play 'Kımıl' was watched by an appreciative audience in the village of Zilan in the Kozluk district of Batman province.
The play is based on Musa Anter’s 'Qimil', and expresses the pain and problems of a people through the cries of a young woman from Siverek. The play is directed by Mehmet Karakış and performed by the Viranşehir Culture Centre Theatre. Before the performance in the village of Zilan, the children were entranced by a living statue show. The play, lasting 45 minutes, combines tragedy and comedy, and following the play, watched by Batman Municipal co-Mayor Gülistan Akel, children were given 'Kımıl' books and Kurdish alphabets.
After the performance, co-Mayor Gülistan Akel expressed her happiness that the Batman Theatre Days Festival had embraced the villages, adding: "It is incredible to share the excitement and enthusiasm with our people in the village of Zilan today. Our origins are in the villages. We all came from villages. Putting on a play in a village is not just a practical task, but bringing art back to its roots. Witnessing the excitement of our mothers and our children gives us hope and encourages us."
Akel added that only art could keep alive a people's language and culture, saying that everyone needed to embrace Kurdish art and language, and thanked the players of the Viranşehir Culture Centre for their performances. Following Akel’s speech three local children, Havin Şanlı, Esma Oğuz and Semanur Özerdem came on to the stage and sung Kurdish songs. In the evening the play 'Dupişk' was performed at the Yılmaz Güney Cinema by the Batman Municipal Theatre. The Festival will conclude with a panel on 'Kurdish Theatre'.