DİHA - Dicle News Agency


Lars von Trier’s Nymphomaniac banned in Turkey

4 March
11:29 2014

ISTANBUL (DİHA) - The screening of Lars von Trier’s latest movie “Nymphomaniac” has been banned across Turkey’s movie theaters by Evaluation Classification Higher Council.

“Nymphomaniac”, Lars von Trier’s latest movie which was expected to be released on March 14, has been banned across Turkey’s movie theaters. The decision has been taken by Turkey’s Evaluation Classification Higher Council (Değerlendirme Sınıflandırma Üst Kurulu) after a lower board made the first inspection. Contested by two member, the decision was taken by majority vote.

According to Radikal newspaper, the board that took decision to censor the movie included one representative from Culture, Interior and Education ministries as well as a psychologist, a sociologist and a child development expert. The boards also included members from Turkey’s prominent film organizations such as SEYAP, SESAM and TESIYAP. Starred by Charlotte Gainsbourg, Stellan Skarsgård, Stacy Martin, Shia LaBeouf, Christian Slater, Jamie Bell, Uma Thurman, Willem Dafoe, “Nymphomaniac” tells the relationships of a women from her adulthood to her 50s. Acclaimed by the critics, the aforementioned movie has been fully screened in Berlin Film Festival in February. The movie was also part of !f İstanbul Film Festival with its “edited” version by Lars von Trier himself. *Source: Bianet.

