There are 2 millions 226 thousands unemployed people in Turkey
ANKARA (DIHA) - According to the report of Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), While there are 2 millions 226 thousands unemployed people in Turkey, the rate of unemployment became 8 percent.
According to the report of Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), in the term June 2012 the population of non-institutional working-aged people increased 1 million 240 thousands people with regard to last year's same term. In the term June, 2012, the population of non-institutional working-aged people with regard to last year's same term increased with a raise of 1 million 240 thousands people to 73 millions 561 thousands people. And the non-institutional working-aged people's population with a raise of 1 million 141 thousands reached 54 millions 680 thousands people. In the term June of 2012, the rate of participating into labour force according to last year's same term with decrease of 0.4 points occured as 50.8 points. According to the same term's comparisons, the rate of participating into labour force in men with a decrease of 1 points became 71.7 and in women with a raise of 0.1 became 30.6.
In the term June of 2012, the number of empoyed people with regard to last year's same term, 676 thousands people increased and reached 25 millions 577 thousands people. In this term, when the number of people who work in the agriculture sector decreased 45 thousands people, the number of people who work in the non-agriculture sectors 721 thousands people increased. In the term June of 2012 of the people employed, 25.6 percent are in agriculture, 18.6 percent in industry, 7.5 percent in constraction, and 48.2 percent are in service. The number of unemployed people, with regard to last year's same term decreased 311 thousands people and became 2 millions 226 thousands in Turkey. And the rate of unemployment with a decrease of 1.2 points occured in the level of 8 percent.