Chief negotiator Babacan: Political matters will constrain us in accordance to EU 2006-04-13 10:32:38 MERSİN (DİHA) -Ali Babacan, chief negotiator and Minister of State, who participated to common meeting of Mersin Commerce and Industry Chamber(MTSO) Occupation Committees, stated that basic problems that will constrain Turkey will not be technical problems but political ones. Ali Babacan and Rifat Hisarcıklıoglu, Chairman of Turkey Chambers and Stock Exchanges Union had come to Mersin for conducting a series of contact. Babacan and Hisarciklioglu, after coming together with industry commerce institutions, had made examinations in the Port of Mersin. Later Babacan and Hisarciklioglu had participated to Meeting of Merisn Commerce and Industry Chamber Occupation Committees. Kadri Saman, Chairman of MTSO, who had made opening speech of meeting, had touched on problems experienced by Merisn Free Region. Stating that commerce size of the region had dropped 12 percent, Saman, directed criticism to government about representation of private sector in EU process. Saman said that '' There are many big and small firms in Turkey. And most of them are not member of TUSIAD. Those who are member of TUSIAD are better off. Are not certainly represantatives of remaining 234 thousand firms excluded from the process? Thes problems occupy our mind.'' Copy and political criterias Rifat Hisarciklioglu, Chairman of TOBB, by saying that chambers can represent private sector, stated that thoughts of chairmen of chambers should be taken into consideration in relation with EU. Hisarciklioglu, saying that chairmen of chambers are leader of conviction in the local, stated that producers in Turkey should give up copying '' I will do the same which is done by neighbour''. Ali Babacan, Chief Negotiater and State Minister, in his long speech reserved to EU process and performances of government, stated that every year 500 and 700 thousand youth come to age of employment and in the case of not be employed they will participate to army of unemployers. Upon a question asked by a businessman as headings that will constrain Turkey in procees of accordance with EU, Babacan replied that '' it is not technical problems which will constrain us but political ones'' and showed the example of Cyprus. (tç/gm/zd/mç)