Alderpersons of Amed Metropolitan Municipality protest against co-mayors being into custody 2016-10-29 13:46:01 AMED (DİHA) - Amed Metropolitan Municipality Council members said "Municipality has virtually seized.We will stay together in municipality council 24/7until our co-mayors being release. Amed (Diyarbakır) Metropolitan Municipality Council members made a statement with regard to their co-mayors Gültan Kışanak and Fırat Anlı being into custody today in council chamber. Members of council participate with "Don not touch my will!" named banner. Member of municipality council Ayşe Serra Bucak Küçük spoke for all members and stated that There are anti-democratic pressures over DBP (Democratic Regions Party) municipalities and its co-mayors.In spite of all accusations they could not find any argument. "Being into custody of Kışanak and Anlı is a civil coup attempting against our Municipatlity same as July 15 coup attempting "said Küçük. "Decision to not leave the council chamber 24/7" Küçük announced that as Amed Metropolitan Municipality Council members we are not leaving the council to reacting against government and its fascist minds. We are announcing that we decided to hold open the council 24/7until they release our co-mayors and lift the blockade of police forces. We will protect our municipality and show up our highest democratic reaction. (ls)