SES: Hospitals turned into headquarters of special teams 2015-12-18 21:15:45 URFA (DİHA) – The SES (Laborers of Health Union) branch in Urfa city have completed a sit in protest in relation to the way health intitutions are turning into headquarters during war conditions in the area and attacks towards health workers. The SES branch in Urfa have completed a sit in protest to bring attention to the conditions that health workers are working in during the war concept which the AKP have started. The HDP (Peoples’ Democratic Party) and the DBP (Democratic Regions Party) provincial headquarters have given support to the press release that the SES group members made in front of the SES branch building in the city, located on the Atatürk Boulevard. President of the KESK Urfa branch Rukan Kılınç has expressed that health workers have been witnessing the most painful part of war. Kılınç stated that nearly all the health institutions have turned into headquarters and how hospitals and ambulances are frequently the target of bullets. She made the call that that guns need to stop talking, that war needs to stop and instead people need to talk. She also emphasized the fact that civilians need to be provided their health services and that obstruction towards health services must stop straight away. After the press release, the group completed 5 minutes sit in. (aek/nt)