Tens of thousands denounce attack on Kobanê 2015-06-27 13:47:10 NEWS DESK (DİHA) - Protestors in Turkey denounced Daesh's Thursday attack on the city of Kobanê, in the Rojava autonomous region in Syria. Early in the morning on Thursday, members of the Daesh gang entered the city of Kobanê. The gangs, who detonated several vehicles and opened fire on civilians indiscriminately, killed 126 civilians in the city center. Another group of Daesh members killed 26 more in the village of Berxbotan in a massacre of the village timed to coincide with the attack on the city. Several cities in Northern Kurdistan (Turkey) held marches to condemn the massacre. Diyarbakır held a large march against the massacre, which drew the attendance of the city co-mayor GültanKışanak and several Parliamentary representatives. Citizens in Batman also marched against the attack. NGOs in the city of Van and citizens in Izmir gathered to condemn the massacre. A frequent sentiment at the marches was anger at Turkey's likely role in the massacre. "ISIS is the killer, AKP is the collaborator," chanted marchers at many of the events. Turkish officials have been quick to claim that Daesh gang members entered Kobanê via the city of Jarablus, across the Euphrates River from Kobanê, but Kurdish forces say it is much more likely that the gang members entered Kobanê through its border gate with Turkey. (cm/nt)