Sakine Cansız Women Academy opened in Nusaybin 2015-05-29 11:56:17 MARDİN (DİHA) - Sakine Cansız Academy of Women has been opened in Nusaybin district of Mardin. The opening led by KJA (Free Women's Congress) was attended by hundreds including KJA members and executives of the HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) and DBP (Party of Democratic Regions) Mardin provincial and district branches. Speaking at the opening which started following a march from Mitanni Cultural Center, DBP Mardin provincial co-chair Perihan Ağaoğlu stressed that; "During the 90's, they tortured and raped hundreds of Kurdish women in order to break their struggle. The fight of the Kurdish women has, however, started playing a leading role in the Middle East and the whole world." The opening of the academy was performed following art performances by members of the Mitanni Cultural Center. (nt)