Call from Demirtaş to Erdoğan 2015-05-20 18:21:52 MALATYA (DİHA) - HDP General Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş addressed to thousands of people at his party's election rally in eastern province of Malatya. Demirtaş invited President Erdoğan to live broadcast. The Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) held its eastern province of Malatya rally today at the square nearby Metropolitan Municipality with the participations of thousands of people. The crowds of people danced halays for hours and bore the flags of HDP. The mass often shouted the slogan of "Long live Leader Apo" and slogans in support of the HDP in the rally. Peoples in Malatya embrace Demirtaş The crowds of people often supported Demirtaş in their slogans joyfully when he took the scene. After short speeches by the party's Malatya deputy candidates Perihan Yücekaya and Aydın Erdoğan, Demirtaş began to address the crowd amid slogans of "Malatya is proud of you". 'State will be your slave' Demirtaş criticized the mentality of 1980 military coup and added, "Military coup leader Kenan Evren passed away. But his mentality is still at the ruling. His heritage has not left the people alone yet. HDP will send his heritage to the grave after him. We will end the insanities of the AKP. AKP finds money for lunatic projects, but it does not find it for people. The state exists for serving you, not scaring. You will not become the slave of state. But, it will become your slave". 'Even AKP officials are supporting us' When you go a state foundation, say them 'I am a member of AKP', then you will be granted privilige, underlined Demirtaş. "But, this is a great discrimination and injustice. The foundations are not of a sole party, but of all the peoples and country. The duty of HDP is not to support the AKP. Our duty is to deflate the AKP. Even AKP officials are supporting us. Prime Minister Davutoğlu will vote HDP. Believe me that Davutoğlu is supporting the HDP," Demirtaş said amid a great applause. 'Live broadcast' call on Erdoğan Demirtaş said they would save Turkey from the cruelty of Erdoğan and AKP. HDP co-chair invited President Erdoğan to appear in a live broadcast together. "They threatening the TV channels broadcasting about our party. Why are you afraif of so much? Let leave our voice be heard by the people. Let's come and discuss in a live broadcast. Let all the public see you and me. After this live discussion for only two hours, we will not take squares anymore," concluded Demirtaş. (nt)