Tens of thousands of workers in Ankara salute Taksim 2015-05-01 14:16:08 ANKARA (DİHA) - Tens of thousands of labourers met in fornt of Ankara railhead at the morning hours to celebrate May Day. In addition to DİSK, KESK, TMMOB, TTB, TÜRK-İŞ, also HDP, ÖDP, EMEP, several non-governmental organizations and woman associations also included in the celebrations. The Confederation of Revolutionary Workers' Unions (DİSK) pioneered the celebration rally as tens of thousands of workers marched towards Sıhhiye to scream out their demands. The workers protested precarity, subcontracting, work killings, unemployment and government policies. The crowd of workers commemorated the victims of Soma mine calamity, claiming lives of 301 Miners. Workers, unemployed, labourers and women together One of the leading demands of the crowd has become to salute Taksim Square. Demands of free education, education in mother tongue, free health service drew attention on the placards and slogans of the workers. Women in the rally protested woman massacred and asked for an end to violence towards women. Ankara police blockaded lots of points including Square Kızılay before the massive rally to be held Sıhhiye. Police encircled lots of roads in the capital city Ankara. (nt)