Women of Southern Kurdistan march to Shengal 2015-03-08 16:15:43 KIRKUK (DİHA) – The women of Southern Kurdistan, who have set out on a multi-day march from Sulaimaniyah to Shengal to greet the women there, held a massive March 8 celebration in Kerkuk. YJA Star fighters also attended to celebrate International Working Women's Day with the march of women. Southern Kurdish women wanted to meet with Shengal women to show solidarity in the wake of Daesh attacks. After spending last night in Bazyan, the women set out early in the morning, stopping to give press announcements on their march in the towns of Tekiye and Çemçemal. The women stopped in Kirkuk to celebrate March 8 with traditional Kurdish dancing in Kale Park. Şanda Bahoz, aYJA Star commander who came from the front to attend, spoke at the Park. "Women in Southern Kurdistan have come here thanks to LeylaQasim and ViyanSoran. We will always be on the side of the women's liberation struggle in Southern Kurdistan and we will especially escalate our struggle against these gangs that are the enemies of women." The women head for Hewler (Erbil) early tomorrow, continuing on to Shengal. (cm/nt)