Kurdish language and culture courses in Switzerland 2014-08-26 13:59:49 NEWS CENTER (DİHA) - Kurdish language and culture courses will be given in state schools in Switzerland in the school year of 2014-2015. Not only children, but also adults will be able to benefit from these courses. This initiative is being implemented together with the “Komeleya Hindekariya Kurdi-Verein für Kurdisch Unterricht- Kurdish Teaching Association” which is active in Switzerland. Stating that they will initiate courses in 2014-2015 with 6 teachers and 12 assistant teachers in 13 classes, the Kurdish Teaching Association wants people to give more importance to their native language, and also drew attention to the benefits of parents' registering their children on the courses and of speaking Kurdish with their children at home. Remarking that they would complete all applications, the teaching association said that families can make an application in order to be registered at schools near them. The association also stated that in order to be informed, to be registered and to learn Kurdish by themselves, the visitors can go to the www.zimanekurdi.org official website. (nt)